Ye Yink Thu (Drum Xtick)
2 min readFeb 4, 2021

The Fate of Our Future

I woke up on February 1, 2021
with the news saying that the military

detained the state counselor
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
the president U Win

Mint and many other governments
officials and leaders of the National

League for Democracy party(N.L.D)

Why? I looked up and found out
that they did that because they thought

that N.L.D party cheated on the votes in the 2020 election

But that’s just a nonsense excuse
The whole country knows that
N.L.D won in the rightful

way. More importantly,
the whole country know what
kind of people they

They do not respect
people's voices and votes

At first, they cut off the internet
and wifi connection

TV channels and radio

channels went off air for hours
Then, they reconnected them
again to give
us false information
through social media

Now, they’re cutting off the

electricity in some places and
we can't use Facebook without vpn

This case reminded me of
the which is also a
military coup in 1988

Thousands of students and
monks were killed and prisoned
whiled fighting for democracy
But this sacrifice wasn't enough
for us to get democracy

Education, business and
many other went down
during their
period of ruling

People lost their human rights and dreams
Now it's happening again

I as a citizen of Myanmar do not accept this
My family do not accept this

My friends and my relatives do not accept this
More than 80% of the

Myanmar citizens do not accept this

The people are now protesting
the military by civil disobedience
But I'm
not sure this would be enough

We can’t let this happen again
Our future
education will be ruined
just like in the past
We’ll lose our human rights if we lost
So, as a citizen of Myanmar and as a
regular 17 years old girl with

big dreams, let me ask the international countries to help us

Please let us dream

© Ye Yink Thu

© Khun Thant Thura Htoo